How Much Do Diamond Rings Cost?

Welcome to the luxurious realm of fine jewelry, where each piece tells a story of craftsmanship, quality, and beauty. At Kravit Jewelers, we pride ourselves in our exquisite collection of diamond rings that epitomize elegance and sophistication. We understand that purchasing a diamond ring is a significant investment and a highly personal experience. Through generations of trusted service, we are here to guide you with expertise and passion, ensuring that you make a choice that you’ll treasure forever.

Diamond Quality Factors

Our partnership with elite brands like Rolex reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality in every gem we offer. A diamond’s value is determined by its Cut, Color, Clarity, and Carat Weight—commonly known as the 4Cs.

  • Cut: The cut of a diamond significantly influences its brilliance and overall appearance. Each cut requires precision and mastery, reflecting our unwavering dedication to excellence.
  • Color: Diamonds are available in a range of colors, each with its own unique charm. We offer a spectrum of choices, allowing you to find a piece that resonates with your personal style.
  • Clarity: Symbolizing purity and rarity, the clarity of a diamond is a key indicator of its quality and allure.
  • Carat Weight: This denotes the weight and size of the diamond, providing insight into its worth and grandeur.

Types of Diamond Rings

At Kravit Jewelers, our curated collections range from classic to contemporary, ensuring that there’s something enchanting for everyone.

  • Solitaire Rings: Timelessly elegant, solitaire rings highlight the majestic beauty of a single diamond.
  • Halo Rings: These stunning rings feature a central diamond surrounded by smaller gems, amplifying its radiance.
  • Vintage Rings: Embrace the charm of our vintage selections, each piece echoing stories of romance from times past.
  • Three-Stone Rings: Representing the past, present, and future, three-stone rings carry profound symbolic meaning.

Metal Choices

We understand that the choice of metal is pivotal in complementing the diamond’s brilliance. Our selections include White Gold, Yellow Gold, Rose Gold, and Platinum, each adding to the ring's uniqueness and value.

Brand Influence

Our collections are thoughtfully selected, featuring pieces that are a testament to our three generations of experience and passion in jewelry. We host an array of both branded and non-branded rings, ensuring variety and excellence in every price range.

Retailer Considerations

As advocates of impeccable service, we invite you for private consultations and in-store appointments, ensuring that your purchase reflects your desires and expectations.

Geographic Location

Our esteemed presence in Oceanside, NY, allows us to offer pieces that are reflective of both global trends and local elegance.

Ethical and Sourcing Considerations

Our commitment to ethical sourcing is unwavering. We ensure that each diamond is conflict-free, ensuring that your piece is not only exquisite but also ethically crafted.

Seasonal Variations

Our collections evolve with the seasons, offering pieces that resonate with various times of the year, aligning with both trendsetting designs and timeless elegance.

Additional Costs

Transparency is key in our dealings. We ensure that you are well-informed about all costs, including potential additional ones like warranties and insurance.


Your journey of choosing the perfect diamond ring at Kravit Jewelers is adorned with trust, expertise, and a tradition of excellence. We warmly invite you to explore our collections, where each piece is a symbol of our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction.

For appointments and inquiries, kindly visit here.

Discover our captivating collections and more on our website.

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